Phone A Mommy Blog

October 3, 2016
A White Pretty Women Pressed her boobs hard in hand

Pizza for Dinner

“Thank you for calling Pizza Palace. My name is Hansel, how can I help you this evening?” answered the bright operator on the other end of the line. “Hi Hansel, I’d like to place an order for delivery please. My name is Star.” I replied. “Well hello Ms. Star, What can I get started for you today?” “I would like a medium Pepperoni pizza with black olives and extra cheese. Also could you add a litter bottle of Mr. Lime, please.” “Yes ma’am. Will that be it for your tonight?” “Yes thank you Hansel” “My pleasure. Your total tonight will be $17.68 and your pizza prince will be there in about 15 minutes. Have a pleasant evening and enjoy!” *click* The phone line dies and start my movie and wait patiently for my pizza to […]
May 24, 2016
She was a lovely lady with a toy belt.

Little Shrimp Dick Loser

I bet you’re reading this now because you’re a pathetic loser who loves small penis humiliation phone sex because it’s the only way that little shrimp dick of yours can even get close to being hard. I bet if I were to hold mu thumb up besides your pathetic cock my thumb would still be bigger than it, even when it’s hard! You even have little baby balls under that worthless dick of yours. They look like shriveled up little raisins who never got big enough to be a grape. Does your cock even cum Can it work at all? Or maybe it just lies there dormant because it can’t even produce enough cum to have an orgasm. This is why no woman in existence would ever consider sleeping with you. They wouldn’t be able […]
May 8, 2016
A Girl With Curly Hair and a killing look

Happy Mother’s Day!

As a fellow abdl-mommy, I would like to say happy mother’s day to all the sexy milfs of Phone A Mommy! Mothers are unsung heroes. The job of a mommy is one of the hardest, most rewarding jobs in the world. When our little abdls cry, we wipe away their tears and kiss their booboos. We give attention when needed, changing dirty stinky diapers and give pleasure when needed as well whether thats a lollipop to suck on or something else…When our little ones need someone to talk to, we are there listening with open ears, open mind and open heart. We breastfeed our little babies and stroke their hair as they look up with us with hopeful, longing eyes. We play games with our little babies in their play pen and even discipline them […]
April 28, 2016
A Girl Socking on the bathing tub with full of water

Bath Time

Alright, my little Adult Baby it’s time for your bath.  Mommy is going to go and fill up the tub and make sure you have all your bath toys since I know you love your rubber ducky.  Once it fills up it’s off to the changing table with you to get you out of that stinky and wet diaper.  I’ll take off your clothes and get you all nice and clean with the wipes and then carry you to the bathroom and gently set you in the tub.  I’ll make sure every inch of your body gets all nice and soapy with the Johnson’s Baby Wash and even make cute designs in your hair with the soap and lather you all up.  Then I’ll have you get on all fours and put that bottom up […]
April 19, 2016
A stylish mother in a black dress stands in the foreground.

Diaper Phone Sex

Since were on the subject of milf phone sex, and as a concerned mommy I must ask, what do you think is the best way to prevent diaper rash? I know we can only use so much powder in the world but if your abdl is waddling around in a wet diaper before you notice it and can change it there’s still always the chance of them coming across a diaper rash. I always make sure to add extra powder and even put a little Vaseline between their thighs and on their bottom. It helps for the most part but sometimes it’s just not enough! When one of my adult babies does happen to get a diaper rash I always make sure I have Destin on me to soothe the stinging. I heard aloe Vera […]
March 30, 2016
How To Wear And Use Adult Diapers When You Are At Your Workplace 300x204 1

Nanny Ella’s Nursery Tales: Pammy’s Playmate, Part 10

Hello my little ABDLs! Welcome back to Nanny Ella’s Nursery Tales. I wonder what Nanny Ella told little Pammy…I bet we’ll find out! Before Pammy went to work that day, she followed Nanny Ella’s instructions. She put on the thinnest pair of disposable diapers she could find but that still had a bit of a crinkle noise, and then put on a baby doll style dress and white tights and mary jane style shoes. She looked at herself in the mirror. Okay, she could do this. Yes, her outfit was a bit “younger” than she normally wore, but it still looked professional enough that she could get away with it. And her diaper wasn’t visible under the dress, though if someone were to brush up against her, they would feel and hear it…which, she new, […]
March 14, 2016
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Nanny Ella’s Nursery Tales: Pammy’s Playmate, Part 7

Welcome back to Nanny Ella’s ABDL Nursery. Time for Part 6 of Pammy’s tale… When Pammy got home that night, she changed into her warm, crinkly diapers, reveling in the smell of baby powder. She could not believe the events of the day. What in the world was going on? And why in the *world* did she she tell this stranger who she would see daily that she envied her? What would she possibly say when she saw her in the morning?? At the same time, how could she not jump at the opportunity to have a real, ABDL playmate? To talk to someone in person about her secret life and to learn how Elizabeth was able to be so comfortable with something Pammy spent hiding and running from? Pammy made herself a warm baba […]
September 30, 2015
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Getting Ready for a Gathering!

It was a big day for me, I had finally gotten up the courage to go meet other Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers at my first group gathering! I woke up this morning with a huge grin on my face; I was terribly nervous but the thought of being with others who understood my love for diapers was so exciting. I rolled out of bed and quickly realized I had wet myself in my sleep… it was time for a change. Once I had cleaned myself up and sprinkled on the baby powder, I was faced with the tough decision on which diapers to wear; I finally decided on my size seven pampers, which I wore under a cute purple onesie. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I was ready to go, so I […]
August 31, 2015
A pretty Baby with a curly hair

Wake up, naughty baby

Naughty baby hates to get up in the morning; sometimes he cries, and sometimes he screams and kicks, and sometimes he hides his face in his pillow when I turn the light in the nursery on. I walk into the room with my uniform pressed and starched and flip the light switch while calling to him in a soft, sing-song voice. “Good morning, sleepy head: time to greet the day and say hello to your nanny!” As I walk through the room and throw open the curtains, letting sunlight spill onto the floor and my curly golden hair, I hear baby squirming in his crib. He’s unwilling to say hello to the sun. He has to get up; we have a busy day. He frowns and pouts and I walk to the side of his […]