Phone A Mommy Blog

September 30, 2018
Nude Fine art of a girl stomach and belly line

Abdl Girl Jenna’s Night TIme Trouble Part 1

“DADDY!”  Ron hurried into the nursery to find ABDL StaceyJenna standing up in her crib, her head being the only thing that reached over the high adult crib side.  “What’s wrong, baby?” he asked. “Are you hurt? Did you have a bad dream?” “I wanna drink of water,” she said, holding the baby bottle out to him through the crib bars.  Ron was not stupid. He was on to Jenna’s games – she did this from time to time when she decided she didn’t like her early bed time. “Jenna,” he warned. “You now it is sleepy time.” He indicated the window, the room being lit only by the unicorn nightlight in the wall. “The sun has gone to bed, and that is your bed time as well.” Jenna asked for a strict Daddy/Baby Girl […]
September 14, 2018
A adult lady disguised as a baby girl with a cutest pose

Abdl Shopping Trip!

Adult diapers. Adult baby bottles. ABDL Stacey. Adult pacifiers. Adult cribs. Adult high chairs. All things that you did not expect to be preceded by the word, “Adult”. Can you imagine a store that would sell all these things?  Robby couldn’t. So, when he heard the rumors and saw the ad, he had to check it out on his own. He has a good deal of skepticism as he entered the store. When asked by the sales lady what he was looking for, he realized he had never thought about the fact that he would have to discuss that with someone, and he blushed, mumbling about a need for diapers.  She smiled, and showed him a large display of all different types of diapers. This made him all the more uneasy, but she took it […]
September 4, 2018

ABDL Stuff

What’s in your stash of ABDL Stacey items? Diapers and stuffed animals? Tell me what you have to play with when with mommy or alone. How about a playmate / changing mat for mommy to change you? Always have to have several teddy bears for baby to play with. Feeding bottle alone with baby bottles that has a normal sized teat on with extra holes in them. A phone sex mommy needs lots of liquid formula to feed her baby to. Lets not forget onesies, some plain onesies for wearing outside of house and some baby prints for home. How about those waterproof pants? Baby needs to keep dry. How about a baby crib with a cage on the bottom that would double as a crib when the side was slide up on the front. […]
August 23, 2018
A nude lady with a big boobs and a hot ass

ABDL Video

Please go to my link on youtube to see my little video: Candy 1-888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with the phone sex mommies. #ABDLBaby #adultbabies #diaperlover
August 21, 2018
Teen Cute boy with pacifier crawling on the floor

The Little Diva Sex Talk Part 1

“NO!” The precocious little  ABDL Stacey on set stomped her Mary-Jane clad foot, making the ruffles on her sock bounce. “No! I will not wear Adult diapers! I am not a baby!” The director sighed from his chair. “Come on Dan! You know what usually ends up happening. Your bladder matches the rest of you, and you try to wait too long because we are on the set too long. When you inevitably wet, the law makes it a hazard that has to be cleaned to certain standards, and we lose time and money. Don’t worry – we won’t show your diaper on camera!” “….Much,” he added to himself.  “I won’t! I won’t!” It was an impressive tantrum for a 22 year old man. He looked every bit the character he played on America’s favorite new […]
July 15, 2018
Adult Man Showing the big Pacifier

Being A Big Boy

Buddy was feeling fussy today, no matter what he tried all he could think of was throwing a massive tantrum and ripping his cute, patterned ABDL Stacey off of his powdered bottom. He was tired of being treated like a little baby, he was a big boy, after all! And it was about time his Mommy domme began to treat him as such, he thought. He knew she wouldn’t be home for a while, and he pulled his diaper off and ran to her computer to watch the most big boy thing he could think of, sexy mommy son porn clips. He played with his pee-pee, stroking it as he watched his naughty videos he tried his best to cum, but it felt like something was missing. He turned off the computer and crawled back […]
February 25, 2018
Sexy girl standing in a beautiful Pink dress with Panties

Caring For My ABDL Babies

I love my age regression baby’s. I love spending time with them and making them take off all their adult clothes and dressing them in all the pretty baby outfits I have. Ducky onesies with little holes in the bottom. With big puffy diapers that make noises and make them waddle when they walk. The diapers make their little bottoms poke out. It looks so round and  full in those little outfits it always makes me smile. I make my baby’s bottle of my breast milk and feed them till their tummy’s are nice and full. And then I put them over my shoulder and burp them so they don’t get gassy tummy’s. Then I change my Sissy baby’s diaper clean their bottom and make sure they have plenty of cream and powder so their […]
August 31, 2017
Beautiful Teenage Girl Sensually Sitting On the Chair

Look At That Poofy Adult Diaper

Oh my look how very full that adult diaper is. I be you want me to change you into a nice fresh one don’t you? Oh I bet you do! How ever you have been a really naughty Adult baby and I don’t think you have earned a diaper change just yet, do you? What? Did you just mouth your mommy? Come Here right now, get down on your knees and suck on your dummie, That’s right you lost all walking privileges. Aww What’s wrong? Hm? Did you really think that I was just going to allow your rude wittle back talk? And I am far from done with your little attitude! Crawl over to that corner right now and face it until I tell you can get out! Don’t cry, if you wasn’t a […]
August 28, 2017
Sexy Looking Beautiful Girl In Pink Outfit

Naked You Stand Before me Part 7

She holds out a cream cotton dress invitingly. It’s heavily decorated with tiny teddies, beautiful  white lace and silken red ribbon.’One more tiny step and you will be truly mine,’ she coos. Powerless You wail like an adult baby and step nervously through its open back. She draws it up your legs, the built-in netting making you smile as it tickles you provocatively. The elasticated waist stretches comfortably around your tummy and the lace tickles your arms as you feed them through the puffed sleeves. She smiles triumphantly and zips you up tight. The soft cotton envelopes you and the circular skirt swirls around your thighs. You shudder as the clasp snaps shut like a jailer turning a cell door key and you feel helplessly trapped. And it triggers another reaction. Something strange happens. As […]