Phone A Mommy Blog

March 27, 2022
abdl diaper girl

Brenda’s Erotic and Creative Diaper Lover Leanna

Brenda’s Erotic and Creative Diaper Lover Leanna: My diaper lover was so creative. She was always thinking about something out of the ordinary, and it would occupy her mind morning, noon, and night. It would just be out of the blue when she would decide to write something for her abdl blog that she managed, as it allowed her to express herself in this highly creative manner. One week she would be writing abdl stories about subjects that ranged from a giantess diaper to an abdl being spanked on her tush. Leanna just loved to be so expressive, which usually gets her all horny, hot, and bothered. She knows that these types of stories would turn her on, and she would continue to write them anyway. This is usually when I would sit on my […]
March 20, 2022

Baby Johnny’s Squishy Diaper

Baby Johnny’s Squishy Diaper: Baby Johnny just loves the warm, squishy feeling of his soaking-wet pink diaper. He loves that he has a wet, soggy secret and that no one at work knows his diaper secret except for him. Baby Johnny loves to have his little diaper secret. He comes home from work and tells Mommy Amanda all about it. He goes around work in his suit and tie, sits in on meetings and conference calls, and conducts important seminars with his pink, wet, soggy diaper on under his grown-up suit every day at work. He loves how everyone at work thinks he is a strong, powerful man with his fancy grown-up clothes and his tie and briefcase, but the real truth is that he is just a little sissy diaper baby with a tiny, […]
March 20, 2022
Mommy's Sexy Looks

Diaper Sex Is Always Best With Mommy Amanda

Diaper Sex Is Always Best With Mommy Amanda: Every diaper lover knows that diaper sex is best with me, Mommy Amanda. I love to make my abdl babies happy, and they love to make me happy too. I do things that a lot of people don’t do, and some examples are incest phone sex, strap-on sex, shitty-scat sex, and breastfeeding sessions. When it comes to incestuous phone sex, of course, I am the one that is the naughty mommy, and when I want to play in a naughty way, that is what will happen. If a day comes and freakiness comes to mind, that may be the day that I want you to lie on your back while wearing your diaper so that we can engage in hot and sexy diaper sex. You will be […]
March 13, 2022

Close Your Eyes

Close Your Eyes: Close your eyes, little one, and listen to the sound of mommy’s voice. Through ABD hypnosis, mommy will help you become the little diaper baby you really are. Just keep listening to the tone of mommy’s voice and the repetition of the words she says. Mommy will take you into another realm of reality with just her mouth. Lay back and let your body relax; slow your breathing; and focus on mommy’s voice. Let mommy’s words flow over you like a soothing waterfall. As you drift into a deeper consciousness, mommy whispers to you, telling you how much she loves her little diaper baby and how happy it makes her to hold you in her arms as she cradles and rocks you. How you are mommy’s good little one! That mommy will […]
November 27, 2021
Mommy's Are Using Baby's Nipple

Soon You Will Be My Diapered Adult Baby

    It all started early one evening… We were sitting in the living room, each doing our own thing, not really talking to one another.  When I noticed a commercial playing on the T.V. across the room.  I stop what I am doing and start to pay attention to the ad.  The topic being discussed is the necessity of adult diapers. This gets me thinking about how it would be nice to have a baby in the house again.  To have someone to play with and take care of, someone that needed a mommy.  I remember when I used to coddle and spoil you, and how you loved it.  I decide that instead of a baby in the house, what is really needed is an adult baby. We used to be curious about infantilism […]
November 20, 2021

Amanda Is Here To Satisfy Your Erotic Fantasies

  I know that some of you are going through something where it is allowing you to be tossing and turning right now in your beds and I know exactly the reason why.  You have gone to bed without feeling that you accomplished what you should have accomplished prior. I am a bit of an overachiever and it is my duty to make sure that you went to bed all nice and content.  Remember, Rome was not built in a day” is what the expression is. What you need to accomplish is giving me a call now so you can see what can be when we role play our erotic fantasies. Do you want to see me in diapers just like you or do you want to have me kiss your penis and fondle your […]
July 19, 2021
A Boy wearing the baby adult diaper

Justin Loves To Age Regress, Though He Was Forced The First Time

Justin loves to age regress because he knows that he functions best when he is a baby. When he relaxes best he will dress up in a diaper and plastic pants and complete it all with a onesie. Abdl age regression is Justin’s version of a spa treatment. Nothing sounds better than the goo-goo and the gaa- gaa sounds that he makes and he finds so much comfort in it. It was not all this easy for Justin as he fought this way of life until he had to succumb to the fact that he just does not qualify as a man because his penis is simply so small and minute. I have always said to him that baby could belong in diapers and that is exactly what he has. He once tried to fight […]
January 23, 2021
Hot Sexy Boy Putting the pant

Aunt Brenda’s ABDL Boy Toy

I have a new hot gardener as my previous one retired from the landscaping company that I used for years and he moved to another state. This new gardener showed up this morning as discussed the night before on the phone with his boss. He was on-time, bright and early and began doing the necessary work on my lawn. I watched him from my kitchen and saw him working so hard and he took off his shirt when he began to get so sweaty. The weather was brisk, yet it was not fully cold and he was still full of tiny sweaty clear droplets that just danced all the way down his young, tight and toned body.  Every time he picked up a shovel and dug into the ground his young body flexed and released […]
December 26, 2020
Boy wearing the baby adult wet diaper

Sexy MILF Tawny Tickles Tim

One of the things that I love to do is to tickle my diaper lover Tim when I change his soiled diapers.  He knows that when he pees at night and I wake up in the morning I will always check his diaper to see what is inside. This morning,  I decided to lay him out on his abdl crib on a diaper cover and decide to take off his soiled diapers.  I covered my nose in a playful way and told him that he is a little stinky baby. He smiled and made baby sounds when I took my fingers and proceeded to tickle him.  I told him that his bottom and penis are dirty and soaked then I took the wipes and cleaned him off.  While I cleaned him off with one hand […]