Phone A Mommy Blog

December 29, 2019
diaper phone sex mommy

Show Me Those Diapers!

Every adult baby and ABDL Mommy has their own favorite type of diapers to use. This week, I am so curious to hear about and see the adorable choices you ABDL cuties have picked out! XOXO, Candy 1-888-430-2010
December 8, 2019
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A Mommy to Dominate You

So many adult babies like to try to act like they are so big and tough. They will try to run away from stinky diaper changes, and they will fling their food off of their high chair tray before you can open your mouth to say no! These naughty little babies are going to find themselves experiencing quite a rude awakening when they see that this ABDL Mommy is not playing around! Complete and total domination lie in wait for those little ones who choose to act up despite warnings and spankings. Or maybe it is one of those sweet, submissive little sissies who so desperately need to be cared for by a dominating mommy who is not afraid to dole out strict punishment when necessary. Whatever the reason is for their need to be […]
December 2, 2019
Adult man wearing the baby diaper

Smelling Messy Diapers in Public

Sometimes when I am out shopping for some new adult baby clothes or toys, or when I find myself in the grocery store, I will be walking around minding my own business and suddenly catch a strong whiff of something terribly stinky and all too familiar… This ABDL Mommy has a nose that is used to seeking out even the most discreet of babies when they have big poopy accidents. After I smell it, I always take a moment or two to glance all around me, using my Mommy eyes to diligently scan my surroundings to find the source of that smell. It never takes too long to find the nervous, blushing ABDL shuffling from foot to foot as they attempt to mask the truth of what lies inside of that thick, saggy diaper. When […]
November 24, 2019

What Kind of ABDL Are You?

Hmm…Been curious? Check out this video just for ABDL cuties to learn what type of adult baby tendencies they have. This ABDL Mommy will help you give it some thought! XOXO, Candy 1-888-430-2010 Come chat with the phone sex mommies! #abdl #adultbaby #abdlmommy
November 17, 2019
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ABDL Mommy AND Daddy?!

More often than not, I see these amazing adult baby mommies doing everything that they possibly can to make sure that their little sweeties are properly taken care of. Once in a while you might see an ABDL Daddy who knows what to do, but it is a rare occurrence! What I think would be just fabulous is if I could find a proper Daddy to teach how these diaper sissies need to be cared for! Imagine just how much fun it would be for me and for my babies if we had a strong, handsome Daddy around to help me get things done! Of course, getting him properly taught how to care for these precocious littles will take some time, but I am patient and the thought of getting to share my knowledge of […]
October 22, 2019
Old granny As Baby Child In Diaper With Teddy Bear

Adult Diaper Training With Mommy

When I woke up several months ago and found myself in a wet puddle of cold piss soaked through my sheets, I decided that it was the last straw with my big man baby of a boyfriend! I had sat around watching him stuff his face with junk food and sodas for long enough, having to go behind him constantly cleaning up his crumbs and trash.. Just like a Mommy would! Well, when he kept getting too drunk to control even his bladder, it seems that he wet the bed in his sleep and enough was enough. It was time to really put him in his place and I decided to break out my trusty diapers and unlock the room down the hall to turn it into a proper adult baby nursery for my newest […]
October 14, 2019
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Diaper Fetish Phone Sex

I know that there are so many little ones out there who deal with having a poopy diaper for so long before it finally gets changed. I want to make a change on that front! There is nothing that this adult baby Mommy loves more than getting a call from a baby in need. I find it hard to put into words the feeling of being needed that it gives me, knowing that when that cute little one made a big poopy mess in their diaper, they knew that they could give their Mommy a call and get it taken care of and made all better! I cannot even begin to imagine the feeling of pure humiliation and dread when those cuties know that a big stinky mess is coming but they have no one […]
September 22, 2019
Hot Sexy beautiful Girl Talking With Phone

Sean’s Diaper Night

After a long day of pretending to be a big boy, Sean felt he could barely summon the energy he needed to make it from the car to his front door. All he wanted was the comfort of a snug ABDL Stacey diaper and cuddles from his AB Mommy. He collapsed on his couch and began shedding his clothes, desperate to get into the outfit that made him feel like his true self, little and helpless.  He pulled out his cloth pre-fold abdl diaper collection and it brought a grin to his face immediately. Calling up his favorite phone sex Mommy he started to fidget, getting more and more excited to hear her greet him and pick out his diaper (or diapers!) for the night. Her voice was always music to his ears and she […]
September 21, 2019
Girl Breastfeed Milk Nipple of Mother Suck the Breast Smoother

ABDL Mommy Breastfeeding Sessions

There are so many parts about being an ABDL Mommy that I just love. I do have a few favorites though that I really tend to look forward to more than others. One of these special and coveted times for me is when I get to breastfeed my babies. When it comes time, I go and scoop up that cute adult baby from the nursery and get them swaddled up nice and cozy. It is so important for my little ones to feel snug and secure while I feed them. I have my favorite wooden rocking chair in the corner near the large bay window, and it is ready and waiting for us. I take a seat and hold my baby close while I reach up to undo my nursing bra and reveal my large […]