Phone A Mommy Blog

August 23, 2020
A girl putting diaper on his Adult Teen son

Dirty ABDL Mommy Phone Sex

Something I have picked up on during my time taking care of adult baby cuties, is that every baby needs something different from time to time. While there are many ABDLs who just enjoy the true baby experience, getting diaper changes and feedings, being coddled and spoiled and just staying in their little space full time, there are also plenty of babies who need something else from their mommy. Some of my naughtier babies need to be touched by their mommy in a special way, and need help from their MILF to make a big cummie mess in their thick diaper. I just love getting to take the time to get sweet and intimate with the babies in need, and I know that sometimes even naughty babies need that sweet touch from mommy. I stroke […]
August 16, 2020
Mom Changes Diapers With his son

Mason’s Massive Mess

My little ABDL baby boy has been unemployed for sometime.  He was excited when he received the call to interview in person in an hour that he raced to the location without thinking. He was still wearing his diaper from the night before and because he had no time to take a shower he just jumped into a business suit and a taxi and made it to the interview on time.  Upon arrival he was told to sit and wait to be interviewed.  He sighed a breath of relief, as all seemed to be working out in his favor. It was then that he froze as he remembered what happened last night when we decided to role play medical doctor and kidnapped patient.  I was the depraved doctor and he was my poor and defenseless […]
August 10, 2020
Adult Boy Wearing the adult baby Diaper

Silly Abdl’s Get Silly Ideas!

There are so many poor abdl’s that I talk to that are consistently trying to act like they are big boys, and we all know how far that is from the truth! It’s absurd, ridiculous, silly, whatever word you want to use for it, for these babies to be walking around with these ideas in their minds.  When this happens, it’s very important for me to be a good abdl mommy and remind them very firmly about how far they are from being a big boy, much less a grown man. Thinking something like will just get them in trouble, trying to be something that they’re not. It’s best to nip that in the bud. It is awfully fun to tease them about it, though, makes me chuckle every time. It’s always funny when a […]
August 9, 2020
Spreader Pants Tumblr High glossy Outfit and Pant

Spreader Pants For Naughty Abdl’s!

Brandon rocked towards his left, hands reaching out to grab at one of the chair legs, hoping it helps him roll over onto his stomach. Aunt Brenda just laughed at him, saying that he looked like a turtle flipped over on its shell with the way he was rocking back and forth. He wanted to sass her back so bad, but his mouth is partly why he was in trouble now, so he kept it shut. His inability to listen also got him in hot water, and now here he was in a pair of spreader pants that kept him from moving too much, let alone get in any trouble.  If he wanted to be a really difficult adult baby he was sure he could still find a way to be naughty, but she already […]
August 9, 2020

ABDL Sex Toys

Hi babies! Come check out my new youtube video! 🙂 XOXO, Candy 1-888-430-2010 Come chat with the phone sex mommies!  
August 2, 2020
abdl mommy abdl adult baby diaper

A Little Abdl Public Humiliation

James watched as Aunt Brenda walked into the store, leaving him in his car seat to stay there while she shops. The car was locked, running with the ac on, and he was locked into his car seat with no way to get out, and it was all he could do not to start crying. He’d been a bad abdl, he knew that, but this level of humiliation was too much for a punishment! Anybody that walked past the car would be able to see him, see his baby blue onesie, the pacifier that he was sucking furiously on, and the huge bulge of his very wet diaper.  He was upset and trying not notice how good his diaper felt rubbing up against his peepee as he squirmed around. The shocked look on a few […]
August 2, 2020
Young couple having sex in bedroom

To All the New ABDLs Who Need a Mommy

Hi babies! I know that many of you adult baby cuties are long time or returning members to our lovely little nursery here. Today I want to make sure that all of the new babies and fresh faces that waddle or crawl into our safe space know just how loved and welcomed that they are! When you are an experienced ABDL Stacey like me, there are few things that make you happier than seeing little ones in need finally find a place where all of their ABDL dreams will come true! No matter what type of mommy you are looking for, we all love to spoil you rotten and keep you in line with our own special twists and methods of pleasure and punishment. Some of the mommies that are like me do not like […]
August 1, 2020
Young Man Taking diaper Selfie In Front Of Mirror At Home

Public Humiliation for My ABDL Baby Boy In The Gym

My little ABDL Stacey and I finally returned to the gym for the first time, ever since being quarantined for the past three months. I dressed him in his pamper before we left the house. He had no idea what I had in store for him as he worked out on the exercise machines.  I walked over to him while he finished up his last set of reps with his biceps and I told him to accompany me to the water fountain.  As my little submissive, he is obedient and he listens.  I told him that because the gym is packed with so many people today he is going to enjoy some well needed humiliation. His face turned red in embarrassment and fear as he had no idea what Dommy Mommy Scarlet had up her […]
July 27, 2020
Adult Boy Wearing the messy wet dirty Diaper

You’re A Baby, Silly!

What on earth is it with all the babies that keep having accidents in their undies because they always have this silly idea about them being grown men? Is there something in the water? Every time I have this conversation, when I have to firmly tell someone that if they need to be put back in diapers that they are not grown, they act so surprised! If you can’t even wipe yourself properly, why should I let you keep clinging to that silly little fantasy? If you’re messy like a baby, then that is just what you are. A silly adult baby that needs to be kept in adult baby diapers and there’s no arguing about that! Maybe later if you are very, very good I might start your potty training, though I doubt it’s […]