Phone A Mommy Blog

January 7, 2017

ABDL Playtime Phone Sex

I’m not getting any snow where I am this year, but I do like to fantasize about it! I like to picture sitting by the fireplace with all my favorite phone sex adult babies playing around me, their toys scattered on the floor, the babies sharing and playing so well with each other.  The fire would be crackling, the babies would be cooing and giggling, the wind would be blowing outside, and I would be in my comfy chair with a hot cup of tea. We could see the snow falling outside, covering everything outside.   I would have to watch carefully, make sure none of my little abdl’s get too close to the fire, and hurt themselves!  But I wouldn’t mind that, I like watching after the little ones.  What abdl mommy doesn’t enjoy that? […]
December 28, 2016
A hot Women wearing Transparent Dress and Shows Off her whole Body

Diapered And Regressed Phone Sex!

You know When you come home from a very long day at work and you want to do naughty No Taboo things with your boy friend? Me too well let me tell you what happened when I came home today!  I walked to the bed room to find him in diapers he quickly covered over and said “Hi, honey I didn’t think you got off until 6pm” I told him That i got off work early and went by the Adult store for some fun surprises! What are you hiding under the blanket? I quickly pulled the blanket off of him to find him in an Adult Diaper! I said” Are you wearing what I think you’re wearing?” He said ” Yes , I am” then he looked down ashamed! Hahahaha oh my gosh you’re […]
December 28, 2016
A girl standing against the wall and naked back pose

Public Humiliation Phone Sex!

You have been naughty all day little miss, Now we are going to go and grab lunch, well I am I have your lunch right here in the diaper bag, It is sweet peas and carrots mmm I know how much you like them! Now I take you hand and have you stop and I take a firm grip of your soaked Adult diaper! and then pull you pants back to look in and see that you have went poopy, Your a stinky Adult baby you know that? Now lets go and get you changed before I feed you. I lay out you hello kitty changing pad and then help you lay down and I life your skirt up and pull down your plastic rhumba panties and  un tape your pink princess diapers and then […]
December 12, 2016
A Girl flying The Baby Walkers along with pacifier in mouth

Fun Day With Mommy Part 1

I love the places my Abdl Mommy takes me to! The other day we went and saw A very pretty sight Called the Angel Oak tree it is a very old tree my mommy was telling me! She had me dressed In a pretty long sleeve dress with pretty white tights and my cute bow! We took a lot of pretty pictures together and held hands and just skipped all around! She told me that I was the best Adult baby girl and called me her sweet wittle princess! I love when my mommy gives me such sweet nick names! While at the Angel oak my mommy laid I nice pink and black blanket on the ground and had a nice picnic basket and she walked over to me and felt the front of my […]
December 5, 2016
A hot girl giving pose and shows her hot big buttocks

Mrs. Claus’ Baby

I think this year mommy wants to make all your wishes come true. I’ll dress just like Mrs. Claus and let you sit in my lap. Tell me all the things you think you deserve from Santa this year. Have you been a good adult baby or have you been naughty. If you’ve been naughty you’ll have to answer to me. If you’ve been a good boy Santa will bring you all the toys you think you baby. After you’re done with your list I can tell you my list of naughty things I’ve done this year. Maybe you’ll help me remember wont you baby boy? Like when you spilt nail polish all over my new hardwood floors. Mommy was not happy at all so she bent you over the knee and gave you a […]
November 27, 2016
Naked Stunning Girl looking so Hot and Sexy Body

Naughty, Naughty!

So I come home to find every single pair of my panties scattered through the room! I can see someone is still upset with me for forcing them to be in Adult diapers! Well if you didn’t have accidents like a baby then I wouldn’t treat you as such! Now get over here and quit hiding behind your closet door! I know you’re in there I can see you toes with pink nail polish on them. Now, what did I say? Don’t make me come in there and pull you out by your ear! You already got a hefty punishment coming to you do you really want to add to it? Ok, so it is going to be like this, is it? My sweet Adult baby will you please come out of the closet like […]
November 27, 2016
gift baskets for new baby

Christmas with Your Abdl Mommy

I know that it’s not even December yet, much less Christmas, but I’m just so excited! I’ve already gone shopping, though I’m not nearly done, and bought so many pretties for my pretty little abdl babies!  I’ve got cute dresses, and the shoes to match for my little girls and my sissy boys. For my little boys I have some onesies with all sorts of patterns on them, and overalls, and sneakers to they can run around like the rambunctious boys they are!  For everyone I have pacifiers, and bibs, and diapers, and the best toys to play with.  I would love to get all my little ones together so I could watch them play with each other while they crawled or walked or run around my adult baby phone sex house, laughing and having […]
November 14, 2016
A hot girl giving pose and shows her hot big buttocks

Helping with the Laundry

Look at mommy’s ABDL Stacey helping with the laundry. You even have your sparkly pink maid dress on! What a sweet helper. Keeping the clothes all nice and clean Oh my you are even ironing! I think someone has a full stinky diaper though because my house is spotless but there’s still a foul smell brewing! Phew! Off to the changing table you go! Now up on the table you go stinky butt! Mommy’s gonna get your little sissy diaper butt all clean and smelling fresh! No more stinky!  Lift those legs for mommy! What a good little helper! Mommy just loves you so! This wipe is cold ok sweetie but it will be quick and easy like always… SEE!! No problem, now a little powder and new diaper and you’re all set to go […]
October 24, 2016
Naked Nude woman Squeezing body lotion in her body

Movie Date

I have a surprise for you my dear. We are going to a movie tonight! I know you’ve been dying to watch that superhero movie since they released the trailer for it. I have your diaper bag all packed up and ready for the movie. I even picked out a snazzy outfit for my big boy to wear. Hurry let’s get you all dressed up and ready to go. I’ll even let you hold on to the tickets I’ve printed til we get to the theater. We can get you a bag of popcorn and a soda too. You’ve been a good diaper boy lately. You can pick our seats honey go on. Of course you would pick here on the main isle. That’s fine by me. Here’s you snacks and drink. I guess the […]