Phone A Mommy Blog

October 17, 2016
Hot Naked Girl With Big Ass, Sexy Big Booty Nude

Kinky ABDL Phone Sex

I just love my calls with my Adult Diaper Babies. Every call is different as I love to tailor each call to my special baby caller. I will do that for you during our Kinky ABDL Mommy Phone Sex call. Most of you babies do have one thing in common, you all just love this mommy’s big succulent milky titties. You love to snuggle them and suck from my big erect nipples. It makes me feel so hot and special when you suck on them and drink my special milk from them. I love to nurture you and fill up your tummy. Mommy is very oral and loved to use her mouth to make her special babies feel so so good. Mmmm. What happens next is up to you. Some of my babies like me […]
October 12, 2016
A seductively nude women Pressed her boobs in hand

Mommy isn’t very happy

  They say that sex is so much better when someone is angry. What better way to piss mommy off then by scratching up her hardwood floors with your skate board. Since you want to act like a little boy then maybe I should make you a little baby boy! Make you feel like a little child. What better punishment than ABDL Stacey? Dressing you up in an Adult diaper and making you into a tiny little man boy! I’m sure you’d just love angry mommy sex in a diaper wouldn’t you, you little shit. I’m not sure that would even teach you a lesson. Maybe if I tie you up in that crib I’ve had in the attic for years. Force you to wear a diaper and beg mommy not to force you into […]
October 10, 2016
Naked Sexy Women Shows Off Her Beautiful Pussy and Boobs

Surprise Baby Girl!!

Now come here  to your Abdl mommy and get your present! Mommy bought it just for you! Look at the pretty wrapping paper! What could it be? Here you go, sweet Adult baby girl. I watch as she undoes the pink bow on top, followed by ripping the paper off the present. Then opens the box and pulls out 3 containers of wipes, a baby doll and some beautiful dresses along with match shoes, and bows! Which dress do you want mommy to put on you? The pink poofy one? Or the purple short poofy one? Purple it is sweet baby! So we walk to the room and I take off her nightgown and slide on her beautiful purple dress, and then I ask her to get on changing table so we can change her adult […]
October 3, 2016
A White Pretty Women Pressed her boobs hard in hand

Pizza for Dinner

“Thank you for calling Pizza Palace. My name is Hansel, how can I help you this evening?” answered the bright operator on the other end of the line. “Hi Hansel, I’d like to place an order for delivery please. My name is Star.” I replied. “Well hello Ms. Star, What can I get started for you today?” “I would like a medium Pepperoni pizza with black olives and extra cheese. Also could you add a litter bottle of Mr. Lime, please.” “Yes ma’am. Will that be it for your tonight?” “Yes thank you Hansel” “My pleasure. Your total tonight will be $17.68 and your pizza prince will be there in about 15 minutes. Have a pleasant evening and enjoy!” *click* The phone line dies and start my movie and wait patiently for my pizza to […]
September 28, 2016
diaperloverphonesex 1

Wanna Go Shopping?

Hi my sweet Adult Baby girl today we have such a big day! Wanna know why? Sure ya do well first we are going to get you dressed in the cutest outfit. Then we are going to go shopping for new dresses and new outfits! I know you love to come shopping with your Abdl Mommy! And maybe before we leave I will double diaper you so everyone can watch that adorable diaper waddle you have! I know I love It! And maybe we can invite some of your friends from school to come with us and to have the cutest boy change your diaper! Look at that huge smile on your face! Then after we are done shopping we can go get some ice cream!! I know how much you enjoy when mommy feeds […]
September 26, 2016
A Nude Sexy Women Sitting naked on the wooden chair

Let’s Do Dirty Things

Come here I wanna try some things, I know your AB/DL mommy left me to babysit you so that means I am in charge of what goes on when she isn’t here! So I see you staring at my rather large breast and my dripping wet pussy. So Come here and let me see your little pee-pee and see how hard we can make it! Now I am going to slide your diaper right off and start to give your pee pee kisses, Does that feel good my good boy? Sure it does,wow look how hard it’s getting for me! Now I want to make it all tingly and have you make cummies all over my sweet face! Oh, You like that idea don’t you? Sure you do, Just let me know right before you […]
September 23, 2016
A Gorgeous Hot Girl Shows Off her Sexy body

What A Silly Girl

Look at you Laying on the floor playing with your feet, rolling over and playing with your Adult baby toys. You’re soo adorable my cute girl, Why don’t we get you all dressed up and take you to the park and your Abdl mommy can push you on the swings and slide down the slide with you. Maybe you could have a dirty diaper so I can change you right there at the park. Just to remind you that you’re a little Adult baby girl and that you need your mommy to take care of your every need. No matter how big or small it is! That is what I am here for my sweet baby girl! Look at you in your beautiful dress with your pretty tight and your Mary Jane shoes. I could […]
September 15, 2016
A Sissy Girl wearing the Baby Print Adult Diaper with Baby Fresh Scent Loud Plastic Abdl

What I Love About Sissy Babies!

The Thing I love about Sissy Babies is you can dress them up in the cutest little dresses and bows! Then parade them around town, you know what I mean? Sure you do! I love taking my Sissy baby to the mall and getting her all dressed up from head  to toe. I have so many different outfits for her! Sometimes when I put a new Bambino’s bellissimo diaper on her I put two, so I can watch her waddle. The diaper waddle is the cutest to watch.especially the sound of the Rhumba ruffled plastic panties rubbing against the diaper as she walks! Its seriously the cutest sound in the world! Sometimes my Sissy girl likes to act up though she has some attitude, however I am not afraid to bust her little butt wherever […]
September 6, 2016
A Most Seductive Women Licking her finger and looking soo hot

To the Doctor we Go

Today we will have to take you to the Drs. My sweet boy is just blowing out all of his clean big boy undies. This mess is so overwhelming. ABDL Mommy just cant handle it anymore. We need help and we will just have to see what the doctor has to say about this. I’m so sad to see my sweet boy in unpleasant pain. At the doctors office we sit and wait, I smell a very fowl smell and know you had another accident. Why didn’t I come prepared for this? I knew this was going to happen and yet I didnt bring a change of clothes for you. Oh no! I have to ask the nurses if they have anything i can use to clean you up and keep you decent until we […]